Saturday 26 February 2011

magazine covers

I looked into the portraiture on the covers of fashion magazines, all of the images portray women in a way that has been constructed over time by the media as beautiful, which i think is important because i want to look at self portraiture and the culture of fashion photography within street photography culture. Im going to experiment by taking photos of myself in the style of a front page magazine cover and then move on form there.
I picked these covers because they are all visually stunning and are iconic covers from the most famous and important magazines in fashion, and fashion is important to what inspires me.


Magazines inspire me alot for my style, and i also enjoy reading them. I think they have become a huge part of modern culture, and influence alot of women and girls. Magazines have made themselves into bibles for how they think we should look, they suck people in with beautiful pictures and women, and saturate the media so much with these iamages that people are influenced by them without even realising. I think that some people are more effected than others, and I am definatly one of those people. I am fascinated by the pictures and want to explore different iconic images and see where these will inspire me.

Monday 21 February 2011

These are a few photos of me throughout the last 3 years, i wanted to pick photos that i have found that reflect my image at the time, there will probably be more somewhere but i think this shows an obvious progression through style and fashion. it shows a part of myself growing up and changing how i look to suit who im with at the time and what i like at that age. i think it also show alot about how i like people to see me as the style of photos change the more recent they get, it is obvious my life is different and that my tastes are not the same.

Saturday 19 February 2011


For this project i want to show a sense if identity and style in culture. I want to begin with looking at photos of myself over the last few years to look at how i perceive myself and look into how i want people to see me and how i want to look myself. I am interested in fashion and magazines and thought of experimenting with some self portraits that resemble photographs from magazines such as vogue, elle and glamour. this will all be shown in my blog as research and to show my train of thought on this project and help me to come up with ideas for presentation and final pieces. in my research i found the photographer Vivian Maier,
She is a street photographer from the 1950's to the 1990's and i have found these photos really inspiring, i propose to start a critique of her work and discuss how her photos differ or relate to photos that can be taken today, i want to explore the differences between her shots and similar shots i take and see how the modern world has changed and how people dress and act differently (or the same) i think it is an exploration of her work and taking it into the modern world with my own.
I am also really insired by professional blogging at the moment so i am doing a blog again but making it more a sorty or diary which has my thoughts in it and is a much more natural and personal presentation to my work, i think this also ties in with my interest in fashion as most of the blogs that inspire me and fashion blogs and magazine blogs, it also has ties with taking Maiers work into the modern because i am not looking at how things are presented on paper but in a blog and how street photography has become a part of peoples style and how they perceive themselves and broadcast it to the world.