Tuesday 3 May 2011

My Notes...

In order to make sense of what i was doing i wrote out notes to help me in my research and to help define what i was doing. This is them typed out how i wrote them.

Vivian Maier's self portrait's in the street,
her shadow in her photos
  • culture being personal?
  • not necessarily about yourself
  • shows how you are distant yet part of everyday culture
  • I am in the photo but you cannot see me
  • behind the camera, realization of this in self portrait reflections
  • how people are connected with everything around them without realizing.
  • a connection between yourself and everyday life that represents what has become so normal and 'everyday' that we don't see it.
  • street photography, the 'ultimate' culture photography?
  • look at shadow photography

Why do we take pictures of ourselves?
  • to relate to culture
  • to be part of the world we live in
  • to show others who we are/what we look like/show off?
    • back to fashion photography-shows beautiful people as a big part of our culture
  • what is beauty? composition, rule of thirds again
  • how can shadow be beautiful?
  • how does it express fashion?
    • self portraiture
    • street photography
  • don't show face, just shadow and surroundings, 
    • how does this effect our perception of beauty, person or place?

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