Saturday 30 April 2011

The Origins of Street Photography in London

To further my research into street photography, i went to an exhibition in london that showed photography of the street from the 1860's. I was really interesting to see the culture from a time that does not exist anymore, and these photos inspired me to want to record a part of our culture that belongs on our streets and involves real people. I found that these images were so interesting because there was nothing fake about them. The early street photography was all on film in black and white, you could see every detail clearly and defined in its black and white form, although the main reason black and white film was used was because colour was very expensive at that time. I loved that nothing could be changed, there was no editing process of the actual photos because editing and computers didn't exist, much like the photos that inspired me form the beginning by Vivian Maier, they were spontaneous moments by normal people in the street.

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