Friday 22 April 2011

Street Style blogs

 A lot of my influences have come from street style blogs online. I found Viviam Maiers work on a blog online and these site shave helped my inspiration for the photos i want to take that reflect our culture ( ) and her work is available for anyone to look at on this blog, so it was a natural progression to look at more to get inspired. After looking at portraiture in fashion magazines and covers, looking at self portraits of myself, and wanting to use street photography like vivian maiers in my work, i looked at popular street style blogs to get ideas. I looked at blogs such as:

The Face Hunter blog is interesting because there is not a lot of information on there, its mainly just photos and bits of update information as to when more photos are going to be put up online. The blogger doesn't write much information about himself either, it is purely about the photos and the people and clothes in them. I am also interested in the shadows in the background of photos and found that these photos i picked out hand subtle yet interesting reflections and shadows, this is soething i want to pick up on with other photos i look at because i find it a really interesting aspect of strret style photos.

"I started The Sartorialist simply to share photos of people that I saw on the streets of New York that I thought looked great. When I worked in the fashion industry (15 years), I always felt that there was a disconnect between what I was selling in the showroom and what I was seeing real people (really cool people) wearing in real life."
This quote is taken from the biography section in the 'the Sartorialist' blog, i think it really describes what his photos portray, inspirational photos for style and fashion. I enjoy this blog and am inspired by it because his subjects are real people, they are natural and show a part of our culture in fashion that is not normally broadcast in the media.

Tumblr is a popular blogging platform for young people who can gain alot of followers by posting things they find interesting and reflects their own personality. I came across this one through another blog of mine on tumblr and find the photos posted are really beautiful and reflect what other people like me like to look at and see. even though the photos are not taken by the blogger it is still really great to look at for the pictures to inspire me as it is so diverse.

This blog is another site that posts photos and not much else of peoples style, it is a mix of street and catwalk but it is clear that it is more influenced by real people and real clothes that are wearable. i like the photos that are posted because they are artistic yet show ordinary people mostly. I also like the way that they are presented online and simply without much information and clutter around them in the screen.

The cool hunter blog is connected to the facehunter blog as it is done by the same person, however it is a lot more product based and there is much more information about trends and style and what you are looking at in it. I have been looking at this blog because i like that you cannot see the whole picture, you only see a bit of the culture the blog is referring to; fashion and shopping.

This website is shows a more creative side of street and culture photography, i was inspired by this site because there are loads of different artists that can show there work in the same place as others, the website is also again very clean and un cluttered, this kind of look for a blog or website really inspires my ideas because it shows off the pictures really well in a place where an unlimited amount of people can see it.

These blogs informed me of a modern type of street photography that is connected to fashion which interested me from looking at the portraiture on the front pages of magazines.

This quote is taken from 'The Cool Hunter' blog, it says how important blogs have become in fashion and i think its really interesting because you can see whats on the street without having to be there and look for the inspirational people that fashion comes from.
"Street style blogs are one of the great online phenomena of the past decade. They have become a core reference tool for fashion houses and designers who monitor them for global inspiration and to learn how trends are being adapted on the street - and all without leaving their desks. Yvan Rodic, the photographer and creative behind the facehunter, gives the reader a window into the edgier side of street style. Rodic cut his street-styling teeth at The Cool Hunter, where he delivered many unique moments of inspiration direct from the pavement; the kinds of startling images that eluded many of the other most popular style blogs."

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