Wednesday 4 May 2011

Final Images

These are my final images. i am very happy with how they turned out, and i love the black and white aspect of the images. They look really good presented on a power point slide show, as this shows the digital aspect of what the pohtos are meant to represent, which is current sulture in street style and fashion, focusing on online blogging sites and photography online.
I will explain the first few images and then the rest are self explanatory.

This is one of my favourite images. I was really inspired by vivian maiers images of self reflections in shop windows, and used her images as a template for taking my own. I like the way this turned out becasue the subject of the image is two different people merged together, showing how culture is merged and fluid all the time. I like how her face is so clear in the middle of my body but you cannot see any detail of me at all just the outline of my reflection. i think it makes a striking image that is interesting to look at in so many levels.
This photo is interesting as it shows a couple doing thier own photograhy, they were taking pictures of their shoes, i really like the way that they do not notice the picture being taken of them, and i thought the shadows they made on the floor behind them created a nice aspect to the photo.
Althought this photo was taken inside, i feel that it still reflects fashion street photography. i used it because the reflection of her hand in the mirror is repeated again and again, which is really interesting to look at and reflects my idea for my photos well, becasue what we see in culture, we see everyday, we dont notice it, and this reflection, while it is not the subject of the photo you are still dorwn to the section where her hand is reflected.
This self portrait is another shot inside, when i was researching self portaiture in fashion and magazines, i took some photos of myself, and once i moved on to looking at rflections and shadows, i used this idea of self portraiture to create and image in a mirror that reflected fashion becasue of my clothes and the fact im looking in the morrir.
This photo draws attention to the shadow in it as the model is looking down at the shadow she has made on the ground. I think this makes a great street fashion photography photo as you cannot see her face but you can see her clothes, and i like the way that the shadow becomes the subject as you move your focus onto what she is looking at.
This was inspired by Vivian Maier as she took alot of photos of her shadows on the ground. I wanted to show this image becasue doing a photoshoot was important to my project becasue i wanted to reflect the fashion image side of street photography, and this photo shows that it is not the just the photographer involved, it is everyone around you and the culture that you are inspired by.
I took this for the same reasons as above, except this shows the photographer actually taking the photo of the model. which i like as it shows you that there is a photo being taken, but you do not know what they look like or what they are really doing.
The shadow is the focus of this phot which i something that i wanted to show in my images becasue of the aspect of having shadows and reflection in my photos to reflect culture.
This is a self portrait of me in the reflective glass of a building, again reflecting on the self portariture of my research and what i wanted to portray about culture.

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