Wednesday 4 May 2011

Turning my images black and white.

I have decided for my final images to turn them black and white, after experimenting with one of the first shoots i did in response to vivian maier, i think this will be really effective. Black and white photography is traditionally used in street photography because of the film that they used, and this is one reason i want my images to be black and white. Another reason is that i was working with shadows and reflections, which naturally are not as colourful, shadows have no colour and reflections are usually duller than other parts of the photo, so it makes sense that my photos will have no colour in them, i also wanted to desaturate my images because black and white photos show more detail, they look more simple yet show more details of the photo, and since i want people to really see the detail in my photos with shadows and other parts of them i think that it is the best way for them to be presented to show what i want people to see.

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