Wednesday 4 May 2011

Street Style Shoot

These photos were of a shoot i did with a model for street fashion photography. I used a model and did a shoot because a lot of them time on blog sites there is a mix of spontaneous photography on the street of normal people and then others they have styled and gone out to shoot. i think this reflects street fashion and street photography just as much, but combines it with professional fashion photography seen in magazines. I really like these images because i really enjoyed the shoot and enjoyed working in that kind of atmosphere, i also think that they turned out really well in composition and what i wanted to portray.
In some cases, the photos came out very over exposed and i think this is typical with taking photos outside, i was required to change the settings on my camera for nearly every photo, but i enjoyed this as it meant that every photo was different.
Another point i would like to make is because i was using a model, i took many more photos than i would have usually, it was good that i did do this as it gave me a wide choice of photos to use and many came out well the second time after aspects had changed.

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